Prjkt: Manga

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Story Ideas (any and all)

There have been a few ideas about the plotwe came up with. Once there's a good list, we can use some and discard others, making a main story, and a few subplots. One that i remember discussing was:

- Old friends trying to meet each other during a summer break from college. They live in diff parts of the country, so they end up getting into problems along the way that keep them from meeting up.
- oh yea.. hehe. in a high state, we also blurted out "Schizophrenic shinobi". Not sure where that came from, but w/e, its on the list now

Sorry if i forgot to one that we might have talked about, but add any and all ideas u come up with.

(i mean c'mon... its not hard to come up w/ sumthing better than "schizophrenic shinobi" o.O")


  • erm...can't think of anything..i draw :I no thinking for meh! neva!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 PM  

  • hm.. I like the college friends idea. Along with about a group of four college friends who have no money and take up the oddest jobs (portable potty cleaners, fore example) to make ends could include funny experiences, the weird ass people they would meet and so on..

    (sorry, have nothing better right now)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:29 PM  

  • erm...i saw this korean mini drama series...
    Ok here's how the story went..
    you all know ninetails right? those fox animals :P they were believed to survive through their lives by eating human liver oO;; they look just exactly like humans. note that they will die without human liver
    Now if the ninetails do go and eat all the liver they want, humans will be wiped out and they won't survive either. There's groups of them who desire human liver more than they need.
    Now there's a group of people. They are also ninetails. They prevent the other ninetails from getting human livers. They just called them warriors... These group of ninetails who prevent other ninetails survived by eating livers from dead human bodies...yes pretty disturbing...And now there's another part...
    There's a problem between one of the warriors and a human. They were very close friends when they were young, yea a guy and a girl -.- the warrior in the show was the girl, maybe we should switch it around and let the guy be the the girl had no idea that she was a ninetail until a group of assasins came and killed the whole family during her birthday(it was the guy's birthday also)and then the leader of the group came and saved her and she was taken to be trained as a warrior, now she believes that everyone from that night was killed, but the boy is alive and still kicking and in the police now...

    and yada yada...i'll tell you more if interested...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 PM  

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